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woven things

28 February 2016

At www.usatoday.com/story/news/2016/02/17/ancient-tavern-found-in-france/80… … a Roman tavern has been unearthed in southern France. At http://phys.org/print375082942.html … a complete wooden wheel has being dug out of the mud at Must Farm, a working quarry in Cambridgeshire, and at www.ucl.ac.uk/news/news-articles/0216/150216-tarkhan-dress … a tunic, the so called Tarkan Dress, on display at the UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology is said to be the world's oldest surviving woven garment (mostly intact) although fragments of woven garments have also been found in the Levant – see http://popular-archaeology.com/issue/winter-2015-2016/article/tel-aviv-u…

At http://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/prehistoric-village… … refers to a newly excavated village in the Jordan valley dating from the time of the historical shift from foraging to farming – around 12,000 years ago. See also www.jewishpress.com/news/jordan-valley-prehistoric-village-discovered/20…

At www.livescience.com/53762-ancient-wall-in-jordan-puzzles-archaeologists…. … refers to an ancient wall that is estimated to stretch 93 miles in Jordan. What was the purpose and who built it? Aerial photography was used to trace its path N/NE to S/SW over a distance of 66 miles. In some places two walls ran side by side and elsewhere walls  branched off. It is these spurs that add up to 93 miles. Along what is called the Khatt Shebib there are a 100 watchtowers. Possibly they were used by hunters to hide for prey – or they were looking at something quite different. The date of the wall appears to go back only to the Nabatean Period (312BC – AD106) or the Ummayyad Dynasty (AD661-750) if the pottery remains are a guide. The structures appear to be too low to be defensive and appear to be a demarcation line with agriculture to the west and pastoral semi desert to the east.

At www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-02/uoy-1yo022416.php … we have an 11,000 year old pendant from the Mesolithic period in Britain, found at the Star Carr site in North Yorkshire. It is crafted from shale and measures just 31mm by 35mm with undecyphered engraved motifs.

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