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1 June 2016

Geopulsation seems like a made up word with a made up hypothesis to boot. This concerns a book by RW Welch, 'The Roots of Cataclysm:Geopulsation and the Atlantis supervolcano in history' Algora Books:2009 … that comes recommended by member John Kalber. In chapter 4 'The Ice Age and Rotational Variation' the author produces the idea that the Earth rotates faster, on occasion, and quickening and slowing has an affect at the poles – namely, how much water accumulates there. An Ice Age is produced when water recedes from the poles and snow falls on land rather than the sea, creating an ice sheet over time.

One of the ideas behind the book is that the Earth is composed of three elements, the core, the mantle and the crust, and geopulsation is caused by them, as they rotate in variance from each other. It is recognised the core moves differently than the upper layers of the Earth and the Mantle has a flow mechanism that can cause the crust to rise up and fall back down again (see News at www.sis-group.org.uk/news/earths-surface-periodically-moves-and-down.htm). So, there are pluses in favour of Welch.

The author notes that sea levels have fallen by 100m or so at various times in the Pleistocene 'even though change of that magnitude could not be due to glacial water storage alone'. This is an interesting point and one that in often glossed over. It is also something that crops up in CAGW sea level scaremongering as the full facts are never laid on the table. Where are they going to get all the water to cause the oceans to rise by tens of metres in height- while some over the top activists think in even more catastrophic sea level rise in the near future. It is well worth the read just to learn about the problems here and how these things are not properly explained.

At the end of the chapter he mentions some research done by Exxon (when looking into oil under the oceans). It seems to confirm that large, rapid and inexplicable changes in sea level have been occurring on a global basis for millions of years. Change has been so great at times that whole sedimentary layers on the continental shelves have been washed away by subaerial erosion in geologically 'brief periods'. Conversely, sedimentary layers have been deposited far inland at intervals much too brief to be accounted for by the gradual rise and fall of land forms (as in geological theory). The changes are too large to be laid at the door of glaciation.

On the subject of the core rotating faster than the rest of the Earth he brings in the Chandler Wobble in support (saying it is continuous and does not fade away, except over long periods of time). Not sure if that is valid but he also says that the difference in rotation speed between core and crust explains the mysterious wandering of the magnetic poles through geological time – and continental drift. We are living in a period of declining spin speed he says and at some point will reach equilibrium with the core. The process will begin all over again and he suggests the 1000,000 year cycle is connected with this periodicity. He also has some interesting things to say about volcanism – and how it might be connected to geopulsation, homindsg in on volcanism during the Pleistocene. He says uniformitarianism is a half truth and catastrophism can occur when the spin rate accelerates (eforming the earth's geoid). He also brings in volcanic dust clouds as a cooling mechanism.

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