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Fossil Trees

8 November 2016

Fossilised wood from trees, such as branches, twigs, stumps, broken trunks, and all manner of pieces of woody material which even include whole woodland floor flora are fairly common in the geological record. At www.mining.com/50-million-year-old-tree-fossil-found-in-canadian-diamond… … where we have a stump of a giant redwood tree found in a diamond mine in the North West Territories of northern Canada. It is fossilised redwood – a tree that now grows in California. It illustrates perfectly the manner in which climate has moved across the globe, from one epoch to the next. Does this mean the poles have moved, the continents are on the move, or in times past the earth was much warmer?

    … It was apparently preserved in what was magma we are told, now in Canada's frozen north – but which once had a warmer climate. Surprisingly, it was found 315m below the surface. How does that happen? The reason appears to be connected to kimberlite pipes. These are volcanic pipes in which magma comes to the surface, hence the great depth (nowadays). Kimberlite pipes are a common source of diamonds (as great heat is generated) and various other pipes in the region also host diamond mines. We are then told some 50 million years ago a forest of redwood trees existed in the North West Territories, some of which were engulfed by an eruption of magma from the bowels of the Earth. This occurred just 15 milllion years after the end of the dinosaur era (end of Cretaceous or K/T boundary.

See also http://geology.com/articles/canada-diamond-mines/

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