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Caribbean Sea Change

1 December 2016

At http://phys.org/print399180551.html … scientists looking at the K/T boundary crater off the coast of Yucatan have discovered it was dry land at the height of the Late Glacial Maximum, between 23,000 and 18,000 years ago. How can this be? The obvious mainstream answer is that a lot of ocean water was locked up in the hypothetical ice sheet that covered a great deal of the northern hemisphere. An outside the box answer might involve a change in the earth's geoid – but that would require a rise in sea levels somewhere else.

The point here is that this comes on top of plenty of other evidence that the Caribbean was quite different in the Late Pleistocene – with the Bahamas a very large island instead of a few bits here and there as now, and the coastline of Florida, Lousiana and Texas being much further out to sea than nowadays. Cuba would have been quite a large island too. Hence, we do seem to have a displacement of a large body of water.

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