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Black Holes fighting

30 January 2017

Black holes again – clashing black holes (what is that all about) – see www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2017/01/25/black-wreckage/ … which is a reference to the wreckage left behind when two galaxies collide and the black holes at their hearts merge forcefully together (see earlier posts on the black hole subject). NuSTAR was launched by NASA in 2012 and one of its roles is to look for x-ray flashes out there in the deep universe. It was via NuSTAR that we had the story of two colliding galaxies and an explanation of what was going on was provided in the framework of the mainstream consensus model. It is thought NuSTAR displays evidence of two black holes colliding and causing energetic processes (a plasma corona that lights up in x-ray radiation). Stephen Smith at Thunderblogs for the Day takes issue with this interpretation. He says black holes are inferred phenomena. They cannot be detected by any instrument. Astrophysicists assume that matter can be accelerated and compressed by a black hole's gravity. X-ray flares from galaxies are thought to be caused by stars being shredded – and most of the dust and gas is able to escape. Some of it is captured – hence the idea of black hole feeding frenzies. The captured material forms a disc that glows in extremes of ultraviolet and x-rays. This is what mainstream call a black hole corona.

In the Electric Universe theory z-pinches in plasma filaments form plasmoids that energise stars and galaxies. When charge density is too high double layers form that catastrophically release their excess energy in burst of x-rays or flows of ultraviolet light.

Electric charge flow in plasma generates magnetic fields that constrict the current channel. Pinched electric filaments remain coherent over long distances, spiralling around each other and forming helical structures that can transmit power through space. These filaments are the jets seen in galaxies and stars. Smith goes on to say that what was observed by NuSTAR was perhaps lightning flashes coming from the colliding galaxies as they begin to form a pair.

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