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Juncker Science

9 May 2017
Inside science

An interesting read at https://risk-monger.com/2017/05/10/glypho-nicotinoids-and-junck-science-… … from a man with a bee in his bonnet, and bee decline in his telescope. Not knowing much about the subject I can only advise that it is worth reading – right to the end. It does illustrate how science is often sidelined by lobbying from NGOs and other environmentalist groups. Are scientists becoming more like vicars rather than an authoritative body of educated people? Are they as easily sidelined as the sermon on a Sunday morning? It does not bode well for sensible political policies – but politics is not about sensible things. Why do scientists put themselves in a position of a figure of fun as the slippery NGOs and Politicos will squirm out of the blame with consummate ease. Those scientists that chose remuneration over real science in climate change do at least have material assets to temper their battered reputations and enrich their retirements. They must have known what would happen once the EU dropped the post of leading science advisor. Why do they continue? Are the hefty wages and gold plated pension scheme the carrot that will cook the fate of farming in Europe – destined to be a heritage industry?

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