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Dogs and Humans

19 July 2017

Something off the beaten track. At https://anthropology.net/2017/07/18/modern-dogs-evolved-from-a-single-po… … but a track that leads back to a catastrophist explanation – missing from the research. The author picked up on a paper published in Nature Communications last week (July 2017) but something similar was aired a couple of months ago (possibly as a pre-publication version). DNA extracted from a 7000 years old and a 4700 year old dog skeleton(s) found in Germany seem to show modern dogs probably descended from just one population of wolves that lived in Europe for millennia but were domesticated between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago. They did this by counting the genetic differences and estimating how long it would take for such differences to show up – hence the wide gap in the data. A second division happened between Eastern and Western domesticated dog populations around 17,000 to 24,000 years ago (the end of the Late Glacial Maximum). It is possible the earlier period was also influenced by a catastrophic event, and a bottleneck in the population of dogs as it coincides with the event or events between 40 and 30,000 years ago.

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