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21 December 2017

Worlds in Collision is making a dramatic comeback. What with collisions on Earth creating the Moon, and variously theories regarding Venus and Jupiter we now have Uranus as part of solar system billiard balls – see www.space.com/39123-crash-that-tilted-uranus-made-moons.html … the crash that tilted Uranus made its moons. Uranus is tilted on its side. A new study claims an impact bowled Uranus over, sideways, and may have created its moons in the process – solving two problems with a single theory. Uranus possesses 27 moons 18 of which orbit its equatorial zone.

The interesting thing we may take from this computer simulation study is that it allowed a small object (in comparison to the size of Uranus) to bounce it around and shift the poles dramatically. What is good for the goose may also be good for the gander. How big an object would allow the Earth's poles to shift – even by a few miles?

See also https://phys.org/print433146306.html … we learn that changes in solar activity influence the colour and formation of clouds around the planet, Uranus, according to researchers at Oxford and Reading universities. It takes Uranus 84 earth years to make one full orbit. It also appears brighter and dimmer over an 11 year period, the regular cycle of solar activity which also affects sun spots. The changes to the clouds are caused by chemical processes and fluctuating  levels of UV sunlight, and by high speed particles from outside the solar system (cosmic rays). The scientists used data collated from earth based telescopes and cosmic rays measured by Voyager 2. The full paper is in Geophysical Research Letters.

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