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Flooded Mediterranean

24 March 2018

This story is at https://phys.org/print441004470.html … evidence of an abrupt sea level rise 7600 years ago has been discovered in the northern Aegean. It is not immediately apparent why that number rather than 8000 years ago is used but it becomes more obvious the deeper one reads. We are told a flood of fresh water invaded the North Atlantic by a lake of glacial water (thousands of years after the last glaciation) which caused ocean currents to change etc. Hence, they must have felt it was necessary to have time for ocean levels to rise in order to account for the rise noted in the Mediterranean. It would not have made much sense in their version of how it might have occurred to have the sea level rise at the same time as the event at 6200-6000BC. In a catastrophist scenario we don't need to be pedantic. Indeed, they do not have a solid date in any case as the evidence revolves around coccoliths (sea algae in sediments). Marine algae in sea floor sediments are used to show a moderate rise in sea level – around one metre, in the northern Aegean Sea. the Sea of Marmara, and the Black Sea. Well I never – seems like they are saying the same as Ryan and Pitman some years ago. However, no mention of Noah's Flood on this one one, only an obsession with alarmist gobbledegook. Low lying areas in SE Europe were flooded and they say this affected early farming communities (which is another reason for the 7600 date rather than the 8000 years ago date).

A more interesting post is at www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-03/uoh-sfp032218.php … which is the idea that female potters travelled around the coasts of the Baltic from 5000BC onwards introducing Corded Ware pottery. Boats are not mentioned. The Late Neolithic era, 2900-2300BC, is best known from this variety of pottery. The female author of the research and paper says that making pottery was part of the chores of women in traditional societies. Women also often got married off to men living in different villages and places – hence they may have introduced the pottery to the new family groups they became part of. May be. On the other hand it may be down to migration – around 3000BC. Who knows. The interesting bit though is that Corded Ware pottery seems to have arrived in southern Finland from the east – rather than in Sweden from the south. Hame in southern Finland became a major hub of distribution of the pottery we are told – as well as other trade items. It went from Finland to Estonia and then to Sweden. 

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