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Human Footprints

30 March 2018

At http://phys.org/print441437616.html … human footprints found off Canada's Pacific coast may be 13,000 years old according to a study in PLoS ONE online journal (March 20th 2018) by a team from Hakai Institute and the University of Victoria. In other words, humans prior to the Younger Dryas Event – which is post-Ice Age proper. Nowadays, the Pacific coast of British Columbia is thickly forested and most of it is only accessible by boat. Archaeology is few and far between. However, researchers opted to excavate intertidal and beach sediments on the shallows of Calvert Island where sea levels are know to have been much lower in the Late Pleistocene/ early Holocene period. They uncovered 29 human footprints of 2 adults and a child.

At https://anthropology.net/2018/03/27/oldest-human-dna-from-africa-clues-u… … concerns the discovery of seven 15,000 year old modern humans from Morocco – in an ancient cemetery (see earlier post on the same subject). The bodies were buried upright – with grave goods, an intriguing position as it required greater burial depth. They were members of the Iberomaurisian culture (a combination of Iberia with Morocco/Mauritania) a term invented because of a current theory at the time that a land bridge existed between Spain and Morocco (going back to the 1960s). It was thought there were similarities, at that time, with the Gravettian culture of southern Europe but the new discovery blows this idea out of the water. Genetic analysis of the bones  has instead found a close relationship with people in the Near East – particularly of the Natufian culture. They were not Europeans it would seem. They also had a third of genes in common with the peoples of sub-Sahara Africa – but they were 66 per cent related to the Levant.

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