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Facts and Fictions

8 August 2018

At https://phys.org/print452150037.html … a carbon leak may have warmed the planet beginning in around 11,000 years ago, encouraging human civilisation to develop. The oceans are the planet's liggest depository of atmospheric carbon dioxide – so how do you get to releases lots of co2 and warm the planet (assuming co2 actually has a warming effect in the first instance). Well, according to this study, activity in the Southern Ocean was responsible – pulling out of the hat a hoary old chestnut in respect of the ocean current circulation. Researchers say the sinking of phytoplankton pulls carbon dioxide deep into the ocean – driven mostly by low latitude ocean water. This is undone closer to the poles where carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere, we are told, by ocean currents overturning and causing a rapid exposure of deep water, brought to the surface. The study found that an increase in southern ocean upwelling could have been responsible for the warm climate of the Holocene. However, from a catastrophist point of view, and the idea of a redistribution of ocean waters as a result of changes in the Earth's geoid, the same thing could have happened – but much more quickly. The problem here is that the underlying assumption is that co2 leads to global warming – but the jury is still out on that one. Also, to what degree were co2 levels lower prior to 11,000 years ago. Is there another assumption here as co2 may always be lower in polar regions that it is everywhere else on the planet. After all, we have the periodic ozone hole – and the ability of heat to leak into space from the poles.

At https://phys.org/print452153682.html … where it seems the enviros continue to regurgitate their  silly claim that they were responsible for closing the ozone hole over the poles when scientists have repeatedly said the opposite – that it involves the solar wind dispersing ozone at the poles. They are now into blame gaming China – all waffle and little substance.

At https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/08/06/science-studies-say-heatwave-were… … which is the WattsUp response to research that shows heat waves were as frequent if not more frequent in the 1930s – the era of the dust bowl. This is also unsurprising as the 1930s were in fact the warmest decade of the 20th century until climate scientists cooled the past in order to warm the present (or fiddling the data to force fit a preconceived theory). 1934 was the warmest year of the century – but they wanted 1998 to have that role. Funny but that is how it is portrayed in graphs now – and the old temperature charts have gone missing. Witchcraft.

At https://wired.co.uk/article/lithium-batteries-environment-impact … batteries in smart phones and other electrical gadgets use lithium batteries – but where does all that lithium come from.


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