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Electric Bacteria

15 September 2018

At https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-09/uoc–gbs091118.php … bacteria that produce electricity have been found in mines and on the bottom of lakes. Now they have found it in the human gut. A common diarrhea causing bacterium, listaria monocytogenes, produces electrictiy in a way hundreds of other bacterial species do. Many of these bacterium are part of the human gut microbiome and amny cause the food releated illness, listeriusis – which can also cause miscarraiges. Other bacterium use electricity and can cause infections and gangrene. However, still other bacterium that use electricity ferment yogurts (known as probiotics).

Bacteria generate electricity like we breathe oxygen – in order to remove electrons produced during metabolis (and therefore support energy production). It is especially intriguing in the bacteria used in the production of cheeses (where taste can vary), yogurts and sauerkraut.

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