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Electrified Space Dust

7 November 2018

At https://phys.org/print460636942.html … electrically charged dust arranges itself in straight lines in the laboratory. Space dust is also electrically charged as it collects electrons from plasma gas – such as the solar wind. This was discovered in an experiment on the International Space Station where gravity is weaker that in an earth based laboritory. Nevertheless, dust also arranged itself in straight lines.

At https://phys.org/print460637050.html … the subject here is that the solar wind remains extremely hot as it is pulsing through the solar system. It is thought that it should cool the further it gets away from the Sun – but it does not do this (or only to a limited extent). We are told the solar wind is a roiling, chaotic mass of turbulence and comes with a lot of energy. Scientists suggest that magnetic pumping keeps the plasma stream hot.

Gary sent in this link, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6355187/Ancient-Mars-hom… … a new study claims the red planet, otherwise known as Mars, once experienced large scale flooding, if an analysis of its geology is right. Some rock depositions could have been made by floods of upwards to 10 to 20m deep (or 65 feet in old money). I'm sure that other geologists might beg to differ – especially if there is a possibility this might cause a rethink of earth geology (for example, sediments paid down at the K/T boundary).

                  … These include some ridge formations filled with rounded pebbles and cross beds that were up to 13 feet high. Sounds almost like an esker. They were formed by a one directional (water) current – with a strength much greater than a river. Also, the study also claims sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater may have been transported there through processes similar to which took place on earth during the Ice Ages – which is a reference to meltwater pulses.

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