This story popped up at … which was then picked up at… … which claims previous measurements show that sub glacial volcanoes have been greatly underestimated in climate model, and by CAGW adherents in general, as a source of carbon dioxide emissions. This is understandable as there has been a desire for the CAGW people to big up on the human element in emissions – but has it come home to roost, inadvertently. The consensus of climate scientists is that the Sun is a constant and does not exert periodic and extra energy into the earth system, causing it to warm up. This is patently untrue, a fact that has emerged with deeper understanding of the role of the solar wind and plasma. Now it seems the consensus view that volcanoes in the modern era have been pretty much few and far between as far as eruption is concerned and therefore they could not have emitted a great deal of co2 into the atmosphere. Climate models generally played down volcanic emissions even though it is well known that there are many volcanoes on the sea bed that are not in the equation. For example, volcanoes under the Antarctic peninsular may have contributed to periodic episodes of ice melt which have been hyped by alarmism over the last 30 or so years. Contrary to consensus thinking recent research at Leeds University and elsewhere has shown that even non-erupting volcanoes can emit massive amounts of co2. Climate models only calculate volcanic emissions by averaging the number of eruptions. The report however concentrates on the Katla volcano on Iceland which is currently emitting staggering amounts of co2 into earth's atmoshere. I don't suppose the media will pick up on this. It is contrary to the scaremongering they wish to promote. What is clear is that human emissions may be less of a problem than claimed by the likes of the IPCC.
Volcanic co2
11 November 2018Climate change