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Black Holes and Plasma

27 January 2019

At https://phys.org/print467441193.html … the light released from around the first massive black holes in the universe is so intense that it is able to reach telescopes across the entire expanse of the universe. Incredibly, the light from distant black holes (known as quasars) has been travelling in our direction for 13 billion light years. However, we don't know how these monster black holes formed. A new theory proposes that when galaxies assemble very quickly, and violently in many cases, this can lead to the formation of black holes – which disrupts normal star formation.

At https://phys.org/print467558995.html … simulating a black hole and getting clued up on escaping the powerful plasma jets. Wow. Black holes and plasma jets. It seems black holes are famous for having voracious appetites, or so we are told, bringing in matter with such ferocity that not even light can escape once it is swallowed up into the innards. Less understood is how black holes purge energy locked up in their rotation, which jet high speed plasma into space – extending outwards by billions of light years. Simulation is necessary – which can be compared to observations from the Event Horizons Telescope. How is the energy extracted from a black hole to make such powerful jets? The research is published in Physical Review Letters (Jan 2019) and they explain how electric currents around a black hole twist magnetic fields into forming jets etc.

At https://phys.org/print467563721.html … computer simulation again to create models of black hole mergers. See also the same issue of Physical Review Letters. A work in progress.

At https://phys.org/print467565317.html … a galaxy that ran out of gas, or energy, sucked up by a galaxy cluster. This is speculation about galaxies that appear to fail – and trying to understand why some galaxies die and others thrive.

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