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Dusty First Intermediate

10 February 2019

Willliam sent in this link – https://eos.org/articles/the-akkadian-empire-felled-by-dust … the Akkadian empre was felled by dust reads the media blurb, a meaningless headline. The actual abstract at https:///www.pnas.orgh/content/116/1/67 is little better as the lead author doesn't want to go out on a limb and says something almost daft, the idea that climate affected ancient civilisations is provocative (or words to that effect). Facts must always take priority. If dust played a role that is a fact. The idea it is provacative to mainstream authorities who do not like the idea and prefer death by a thousand cuts – bronze swards and massive ruins in the desert, is neither here nor there. We know that the Akkadian empire suddenly disappeared around 2200BC. One explanation is climate change – obviously, only part of the story. In this study we have chemical measurements from a stalagmite in an Iranian cave which seems to show an abrupt uptick in magnesium, which is a component of dust. This evidence is then compared to sediment cores in the Gulf of Iran that a couple of years ago showed an increase in dust in the atmosphere at the same point in time.l The hypothesis is that winds blew dust from across the mountains into Iran, the stalagmites picking up its tell tale sign (in this instances, magnesium). A quite brilliant deduction when you get away from the hype. Not only that, the dusty atmosphere appear to have lasted as long as 300 years (and coincides with a wet and cool climate in NW Europe and climatic anomalies in various other parts of the world – even two low growth tree ring episodes in Irish bog oaks. This is of course a minnow event in comparison to the dusty atmosphere of the Younger Dryas period, at 1000 years + (a prolonged dusty atmosphere). My point is could the Akkadian dust have a similar origin to the Younger Dryas dust – and we've all heard about the hypothesis of a Younger Dryas impact (now seamlessly evolving into part of the Clube and Napier Taurid complex). If the Earth had somehow immersed itself in a stream of dust and debris from one of the Taurid meteor streams, a dense and newly formed stream, there is the possibility the Earth became entwined once again in the second half of the third millennium BC (in another stream of material). The theory involves repeated outgassing events and the actual Taurid meteor streams still exist out there in near space – but in a diluted fashion (dispersed by the solar wind).

The researchers, being a bit timid or wary of opening a can of worms simply say this MAYU have been contributed to the fall of Akkad. The problem here is that it is difficult to actual think in terms of climate being capable of suddenly bringing an end to a highly successful civilisation. One can see that climate could cause a prolonged end to a civilisation – or  a damping down (in combination with an epidemic) but we are talk about an empire that was at its apogee – capable of dispatching armies to all points of the compass, controlling a region from Syria to Sumeria. All of a sudden it wasn't there – and the city of Akkad itself has never been found. Finger pointing at dust is just waving your hands at a peculiarity. What is needed is a source for that dust. Marie Agnes Courty provided such a cause in her talk at the 1998 SIS Cambridge Conference. She put it down to an atmospheric explosion of a large meteor – or comet fragment (and has spent over 30 years digging in the soil to find the evidence). The evidence of course has been ignored as mainstream do not want to know about catastrophism – in any shape or form. This paper is actually further proof of her hypothesis – and some day the great and the good will be faced by so much evidence even the grandees of uniformitarianism will not be able to sweep it under the carpet any longer.

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