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Follow the Money

8 October 2019
Climate change

At https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/10/06/understanding-the-climate-movemen… … a guest post by Dr Paul Rossiter. He claims the main engine driving the climate movement is money. Eye watering amounts of money. He said he became quite despondent when researching and writing the article as big and powerful forces were at work – in positions of power in the western world. For example, the capitalisation of the renewable energy industry is over One Trillion dollars. The funding of NGOs being used as alarmist publicity and action, as well as lobbying (all subsidised by the renewable folk) exceeds Two BIllion dollars (a mere trifle in comparision to the profits to be obtained by keeping the alarmist song sheet going for as long as possible). The amount of government research backing committed to CAGW exceeds One Billion dollars. These people won't take any notice of science which might contradict the alarmist meme as it means less dollars in the pocket. Too much money is at stake. It seems that sceptics have played the wrong ball as trying to prove scientifically that CAGW is nonsense is never going to work. Perhaps humour might be a better way to counteract the alarmist siren song – taking the Michael.

The author provides a lot of links to where he found his evidence and the full reading of the piece is worth while. One may wonder how it might have panned out for us all if fracking had not come to the rescue – providing a huge reservoir of fossil fuels. Without that we might all be sitting in the evenings in darkness when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine. Instead, we have lots of gas and oil. Or at least they do over in the States. Europe is playing the saintly role. A bit like the medieval flaggelants.

Over at https://phys.org/news/2019-10-extreme-solar-storms-frequent-previously.html … a new study tells us 'extreme' solar storms may be more frequent than previously allowed. They are talking about Carrington style events. This caused lower latitude auroral activity – generated by a bigger than usual CME event.

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