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Pole Shift

21 February 2020

At https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0604029v2.pdf … we have an interesting paper by Woelfli and Baltensperger, 'Ancient East Siberia had a lower latitude in the Pleistocene' … they begin by outlining their reasons why they think eastern Siberia was warmer in the Pleistocene than it is in the modern world by focussing on the mammoths and other large herbivores, also making note of the fact that Lake Baikal does not seem to have frozen over and its fauna is proof of that (which is generally accepted). It is also recognised that eastern Siberia, Beringia, and some parts of Alaska, were not covered by an ice sheet, one of the requisites of mainstream theory on the Ice Ages (but generally studiously ignored). They say mammoths and bison and other large mammals required a reasonable amount of vegetation in order to thrive – which clearly is not the case in the modern world. They say that yearly insolation (warmth from the Sun) is insufficient for steppe plants to exist – and mammoths and bisons were sons of the praire, so to speak. On Wrangel Island mammoths survived up until 5000 years ago – possibly even longer, albeit in a dwarf form. They died out as the  Holocene warm  period came to an end. Warmth during the Late Pleistocene is also indicated by fossil beetles – their species and their abundance. They go on to say that mammoths could only have existed in eastern Siberia if the poles had been in a different location. They suggest the north pole was in Greenland (or very close by). Quite simply, they say, the Arctic Circle does not get enough sunlight to allow plants to grow (the kind of plants herbivores feed on). In their opinion there is only one way they could have survived and that is if they lived in a region where inosolation was higher (giving rise to steppe like vegetation). The mammoth is the elephant in the room, it would seem.

We may note that an 18 degree movement of the north pole would also cause the south pole to move. They say that the latter would still have been somewhere in Antarctica so there is not a problem (which agrees with facts that seem to show no evidence of displacement of fauna and flora). The Lena River in Siberia moved 18 degrees north at the end of the Late Glacial Maximum (it is inferred) while latitudes in Australia decreased by approximately the same amount. Bolivia moved away from the equator while the northern Amazon basin became equatorial forest. Latitudes on the eastern coast of N America and in Europe were further north – and those of Alaska, lower. The rest of the article attempts to show how the poles moved – by invoking Planet Z, a Mars sized object they say whizzed by the earth. In doing so Velikovsky is invoked, something of a surprise in a major journal. However, unlike the idea of Velikovsky and the planet Venus whizzing past the earth, his ideas are excluded and they seek to explain the issue by physics and mathematics.

Woelfli and Baltensperger are not pseudo scientists but mainstream physicists with some clout. One point to remember is that the paper (2006) does not invoke plasma physics – or plasma discharges between two cosmic bodies.

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