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Rapid Sea Level Rise in the Atlantic basin

6 March 2020
Climate change

One for the scrap book. Snow mass, in the northern hemisphere, is greater than the 1982-2012 average (see https://electroverse.net/northern-hemisphere-snow-mass-300-gigatons-abov… … which means it must be colder – at least on average, over the last 7 years. However, climate models are still running hot.

At https://climatechangedispatch.com/rapid-sea-level-rise-atlantic/ … unfortunately for the alarmists this goes back to the 18th century. Rapid sea level rise noted on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Maine and Connecticut. Not only that but the sea level rise was quite natural as it preceded the industrial revolution. It seems to be related, they suppose, to what is known as the North Atlantic Oscillation – an atmospheric process see-saw over the ocean. The author also blames endemic ice melt in the Arctic for the anomaly but truth be told they have no idea. 

At https://climatechangedispatch.com/baffin-polar-bears-abundant-stable/ … derived from https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2071 … a published paper by Kristin Laidre and colleague on a research trip to Baffin Bay. Polar bear populations in the region have increased (which supports Innuit claims) and they are also in very good health. Full article at last link. Now I wonder why this is not front page news.




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