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Atmospheric viruses and bacteria

16 May 2020

At https://wattsupwiththat.com/2020/05/16/downward-virus-flux-in-earths-atm… .. this is an interesting post by guest blogger Robert Kernodle. The atmosphere is choc a bloc with viruses and bacteria, over three billion of them per square metre per day. Think about that. The numbers are staggering. The comments are varied as always. It comes with a blog that gets a lot of traffic. Some of the knowledgeable ones are extremely mainstream and the idea of panspermia is quickly shut down. However, with the covid 19 virus shutting down western economies and Chandra Wickramasinghe taking a pasting on the internet it is definitely something to ponder. Viruses can be carried on the air in earth's atmosphere. Billions upon billions of them – carried over long distances. From continent to continent. They also evolve and form new structures, a constant process. In this way we might just understand how bird flu, swine fever, and the 1918 flu epidemics might have spread so rapidly. The authorities seem to be consistent to the contrary however, insisting covid 19 is spread person to person. We are told covid 19 is a new virus – but is it a newly evolved reformation of older viruses as these things can switch and change and develop new more virile structures. Most viruses, some 69% of them, and bacteria, some 97% of them, those that are deposited from the atmosphere, are attached to, or hitch a ride on soil and dust or organic material in the atmosphere, with an origin on the surface – such as Sahara dust or ocean water that has evaporated and risen into the air, and other processes (such as hurricanes and typhoons that hoover up a lot of terrestrial material). Looking at those figures that still leaves some room for viruses from space – but the latter is not necessary. It is clear that epidemics can be transported around the world on the wind and in the atmosphere. That is enough without bringing in the idea of panspermia – which can be explored another day. 




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