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The Great Dying

26 May 2021
Climate change

At https://phys.org/news/2021-05-great-dying-abrupt-collapse-forest-mire.html … the Great Dying is a reference to the end of Permian extinction event. As is their wont mainstream consider the culprit is down to volcanic activity – pointing a finger at the Siberian Traps, a large igneous outpouring of lava. As the Deccan Traps seem to be linked to the K/Pg boundary event, almost 200 million years later, one may wonder if an impact event also caused the Siberian Traps. At the moment old school geologists are not biting. They are sticking to volcanism as the culprit – and on the face of it, as currently recognised, this would appear to be the case. That might change any time soon, or later.

We are told that sedimentary deposits in New South Wales suggest the event caused the disappearance of Glossopteris forest-mire ecosystems from the region. They are thought to have flourished in this part of Australia for millions of years. Here comes the odd bit. They used 'climate models' [which don't work in the modern world] to assess the nature and pace of climate change before, during, and after the extinction event – which as an igneous outpouring is thought to have lasted for many thousands of years, per uniformitarian assumptions. It might have been better to find out how quickly the sediments were laid down before assuming they represent a long period of transition [or climate change as it is described].

We then have a mischievous add-on, presumably the required nod to global warming. We are told present day global warming rivals that experienced during the 'great dying'. The future effects of climate change on ecosystems will 'likely' be severe. The use of that word likely shows it is a hedged bet, in doubt, and is included as a sop to the reviewers. Comparing almost non existent modern global warming to hypothetical changes in temperature during the end of Permian event is extremely misleading. I suppose it depends on how gullible the reader might be.

At https://notrickszone.com/2021-05-19/amazing-results-la-ninas-begin-when-… … there have only been three 22 year solar cycles since the 1960s so do they mean 11 year cycles? Assuming that 22 year cycles are the intention the discovery that La Ninas kick in and bring a drop in global temperatures [a fact for Europe and North America this year] one might add this was formerly associated with 30 year solar cycles, as a part of a 60 year cycle. The first 30 years were supposed to be dominated by La Ninas and the second 30 years by El Ninos. Whether this applies to 22 year cycles or 60 year cycles is a matter of opinion – and argument. It has often been said at sceptic sites that we are kicking into the deeper half of the 60 year cycle, which is dominated by La Ninas [with a reduced role for El Ninos]. We shall have to wait and see. Cycles may be a computer produced false flag. Again, we shall have to wait and see – or have a look at a blog devoted to solar weather changes. What has been clear is that the global warming hysteria was built out of the prevalence for El Nino events in the 1990s – and the so called hottest year on record [a very short record we may note], 2016, was an El Nino year. The climate change narrative is actually built on El Nino events, where warm ocean water is distributed through the ocean circulation system, ending up in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean, where it is responsible for melting sea ice. Note – sea ice. Not the ice cap on Greenland.

In this study we are told that the 22 year Hale solar cycles control the temperature on earth, to some degree. Indeed, La  Ninas and El Ninos do cause global temperature to fluctuate, responsible for cycles of drought and flood. The 22 year cycle begins when oppositely charged magnetic bands that wrap around the Sun meet in the middle and terminate each other. The magnetic bands begin at the polar zones of the Sun and migrate towards its equator region – and sun spots break out during the process, subsiding at the solar minimum between cycles. This suggests that it is the Sun that controls temperatures on Earth, as well as ENSO [the switches from La Nina to El Nino]. It is early June next week and in the southern counties of the UK hawthorn blossom is just coming out. Blackthorn blossom was late and now hawthorn blossom is late. In the Little Ice Age hawthorn blossom was known as May blossom as it more commonly flowered in May. Hence, the current situation is not unusual as far as climate is concerned. However, back in the 1990s and early 2000s when hawthorn blossom was commonly flowering in April we were told this was a sign of global warming – and we should all be afraid. Now, according to this study, we can attribute Hawthorn blossom [and daffodils in January] to the preponderance in El Nino events at the time. At the moment we have just experienced a La Nina – and blossom has reverted to historical patterns.

See also https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/29/major-scientific-breakthroughscie… … and https://wattsupwiththat.com/2021/05/28/surprising-sea-ice-thickness-acro…

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