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Arctic Dinosaurs

24 June 2021

Sent in by William. Keep up the good work. See https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/dinosaurs-may-lived-arctic-permanently-1… … some dinosaurs may have lived in the Arctic on a permanent basis. The Yahoo press release begins by telling us penguins, polar bears, and some marine animals in the modern world have adapted to live in the Arctic. Why not dinosaurs.

Did dinosaurs live at the poles, coping with 6 months of darkness. Evidence of dinosaurs living in northern Alaska has emerged according to a research paper in Current Biology. Bones and teeth of dinosaur hatchlings along Alaska's coastline – or to be more exact, the Colville River. Hence, if young dinosaurs were hatching in the Arctic this means they probably had permanent status in the region rather than being migratory and seasonal visitors. Some years ago I attended a lecture by an Open University geologist in which the audience was assured the Cretaceous was very warm – with runaway co2 levels. In other words, there was probably no ice at the poles. Whilst this conforms with the OU global warming mantra, one has to wonder why geologists are so sure it was so warm in the late dinosaur era. Plants were growing in what are now polar regions. And trees. Doesn't sound much like a polar region, to be sure. One may even suspect the geographical poles differed back then, an interesting idea as a few days ago we learned that earth keeled over – in the Cretaceous. After all, it is said that Britain had a climate somewhat like Florida in the Cretaceous – as a result of continental drift. What happened to that idea. Alaska could have been somewhat south of where it is in the modern world if continental drift is allowed – and almost anywhere if a geographical pole shift is allowed.

Over at https://phys.org/news/2021-06-dogs-dont-wolves-uncovers-genetic.html … a study at the Australian National University looked at domestic animals and compare them to their wild relatives. Darwin noticed that various domestic animals shared some common traits – including curly tails, white patches on their fur, and smaller brains, even though the domestic animals were not related to each other … i.e. sheep and cows, dogs and cats. The new research looked at dogs, pigs, goats, llama, alpaca, horses etc., domestic and wild . They trace the traits back to neural crest cells. It is said to explain why we get poodles, great danes, or spaniels, all quite unlike wolves.

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