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Sunlight Eating Algae

9 December 2021

Biology is a funny thing, especially when you mix it in with hypothetical computer induced cycles. See https://www.sciencealert.com/natural-cycles-in-earth-s-orbit-can-drive-b… ….If you are a computer geek and like creating simulations, you can produce cycles at random. We are told that every 405,000 years, known as an epic cycle, our planet's orbit stretches out and becomes 5 percent elliptical, before returning to a more circular path. They allege, science has long understood this cycle, known as orbital eccentricity, and it is thought to have an effect on climate. Even though those changes are interminably slow and long winded, so lengthy one would not notice it happening. How much more exciting and climate changing would a movement at the poles, be? The Milankovitch model is a slow and gradual way to achieve the same thing – over thousands, and hundreds of thousands of years, rather than instantaneously. So many assumptions underlie this paper. New evidence, they claim, suggests this fluctuating orbit of the earth may impact biological evolution. A stopped clock is right two times a day and this sounds a bit like that. Coccoliths, which make up most of the constituents in chalk, are described as 'sunlight eating algae' – otherwise, phytoplankton. It seems they are saying that the cycle of 405,000 years causes changes in species of phytoplankton, and they contribute hugely to the earth's nutrient cycle within the oceans. Automated microscopy was used to measure the different species and variations in the algae, over purportedly, 2.8 million years. They also claim they used 'well dated' sedimentary samples from the ocean floor in the research. The dating has of course previously been pinpointed by the Milankovitch effect, and is a basic prop of Ice Age theory. However, in spite of the computer simulation models, it seems the most recent evolutionary phase the team was able to detect was at 550,000 years ago – nowhere near the epic cycle.

But never fear, some real biology at https://phys.org/news/2021-12-dinosaur-trove-italy-rewrites-history.html … Italy has not been known for its dinosaur fossil beds. Or, not until now. A new study in Scientific Reports unveils a paleontological site with multiple dinosaur skeletons. Or rather, over seven skeletons, possibly up to eleven. The site is near Trieste, in the NE of Italy. They are in a deposit that includes fish, crocodiles, flying reptiles and reptiles, and small crustaceans. All mixed together, and dumped in one place. Presumably, by water – as in a tsunami wave, or a heavy river flood.

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