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Heat Wave in Antarctica

28 March 2022
Climate change

William sent in a link to https://www.yahoo.com/news/eastern-antarctica-registers-temperatures-70-173500030.html… temperatures 70 degrees above normal have been registered in the interior of Antarctica, according to a Twitter post by a climate ‘expert’. However, as in all things, one reading in one place did not apply across the Antarctic continent. It was not universally 70 degrees above normal – but there was definitely an upsurge in temperature. The warmest it got, we are told, was 12.2 degrees Fahrenheit, well below thawing point. Yet, it led to another climate spokesmen, in Boulder, Colorado, saying ice was melting at both poles. This is remarkable but consistent with the alarmist lack of facts. It is not even melting in the Arctic as sea ice there is well above what it has been over recent years. So what is actually going on?

Tall Bloke offers his pennyworth at https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2022/03/27/a-heat-wave-and-snowfall-why-researchers-are-puzzled-by-antarcticas-recent-weather/ … having espied a Guardian claim of one more ‘climate breakdown could be accelerating’ diatribes. Tall Bloke comments – a so called heatwave where temperatures reached a chilly -12 Celsius seems to have fooled a lot of people.The Guardian says ‘climate breakdown’ but seeing what you want to see doesn’t always work. In mid March, temperatures in parts of eastern Antarctica soared by 70 degrees F and arrived courtesy of an atmospheric river of moisture. In fact, a plume of moisture in the sky. Normally the interior of Antarctica is akin to an icy desert. In this instance, the plume came with an avalanche of snow. The dump of snow in the interior was wetter on the coast. At the Conger Ice Shelf a hunk of ice collapsed into the sea, roughly at the same time. Coastal temperatures rose above freezing, with rain rather than snow. However, the snow dump added 69 gigatons of water mass to the ice sheet – freezing, of course. In other words, the Antarctic ice sheet actually grew as a result of the 70 degree jump in temperature. The dump of snow in effect stored up a lot of water as ice and may have prevented global sea level rise, for a short time. This phenomenon of a river in the sky passing over Antartica is a known fact of history, observed in ice cores as accumulations of snow and ice above normal. Modern climate scientists may never have seen it previously as they have a very short shelf life in the profession. You only see what you look for in ice cores. If you are not looking for such behaviour you won’t incorporate it into climate models and if you believe in the veracity of climate models you will be surprised when it happens.

We also had an atmospheric river of dust when a plume of Sahara sand and dust was blown out of North Africa into western Europe. Again, this is not unusual. It occurs on a regular basis. See https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2022/03/19/an-atmospheric-river-of-dust/ … NASA says the dust plays a role in Earth’s climate and biological systems, absorbing and reflecting solar energy and fertilising ocean eco-systems with iron and other minerals. The latest plume was derived from an atmospheric river in the wake of Storm Celia.

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