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Ozone Hole Grows

14 October 2022

William sent in the link https://www.yahoo.com/news/ozone-hole-grows-still-shrinking-172501044.html … according to the media the ozone hole over Antarctica grew this year, the third year in a row. However, experts say it is still on track to shrink, in spite of blips of high altitude cold weather. Ozone depletion starts later, we are told, and takes longer to get to the maximum hole extent – and holes are  typically shallower in September, which is the key month to look at ozone recovery [rather than October. The latter is spoiling the narrative it might be guessed. They go on to say that chlorine and bromine chemicals high in the atmosphere eat at the ozone in the atmosphere, the unlikely theory that led to a ban on CFCs and a lot of money made on the back of it. The Chinese are thought to have been manufacturing CFCs after the ban in order to be paid to destroy them, thereby getting their share of the cream on offer. We  are also told cold weather creates clouds that release the chemicals. The more cold, the more clouds, the bigger the ozone discrepancy. This sounds a lot like climate gobbledegook. The real reason the ozone hole exists is because of space weather – not fridge chemicals. The solar wind disperses the ozone from the poles as a result of auroral events. It just so happens the sun has been fairly active at the start of the current solar cycle and therefore there has been more episodes of the solar wind striking earth’s atmosphere than there was in the last 11 year solar cycle. Therefore, the ozone hole has grown over that time scale. A few years ago the same people were bragging the ban on CFCs had closed the ozone hole and nirvana was achieved. Naughty humans had been put back in their box by the enviromentalist activism. These things come back to bite them so it is explained away as CFCs taking decades to disperse from the atmosphere. Wishful thinking. The ozone hole will continue to come and go for as long as anyone of them lives.

The current sun spot  cycle is fairly active. You can keep an eye on it at https://spaceweather.com … but for articles on the ozone hole and the solar wind go to

https://www.nature.com/news/2005/050228/full/news050228-12.html … and https://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/environment/violent_sun.html

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