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Gamma Rays and currents

19 October 2022
Electromagnetism, Physics

At https://spaceweather.com [October 18th and 19th 2022] … the sun is currently blank and solar activity is at a low. For now. However, a powerful gamma ray burst has it seems created electric currents running through the upper layers of the earth. On October 9th earth orbiting satellites detected a strong gamma ray burst that went on to cause electric currents to flow. When the sun is quiet, it would seem, cosmic rays are more likely to penetrate the solar system. Dr Andrew  Klekociuk recorded the effect in Tasmania. However, we are then told the burst has been pinpointed to a particular galaxy and was triggered by a supernova explosion giving birth to a black hole. Well, that is one way of explaining it, I suppose.

Robert sent in a link to https://youtube.com/c/LPPFusion/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=0 … an ongoing review of Eric Lerner – the Big Bang Never Happened.

However, the big story is at https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25634070-800-did-magnetism-shape-the-universe-an-epic-experiment-suggests-it-did/ … which basically also means, did the universe also exist before Big Bang. At the National Ignition Facility in Los Angeles, built to investigate the possibility of nuclear fusion, they appear to be focussed on what shaped the universe. For decades gravity has played the major role. It was thought magnetism was a weak force, and inferior to gravity. In the laboratory, scientists have caught a glimpse of how magnetism can be turbocharged. Hence, it now looks like magnetism played a major role, with gravity, in the universe.

Staying on the same or a similar subject. At https://www.sci.news/space/jupiter-heat-wave-11227.html … another  link provided by Robert. We learn that a new study that not only in the atmosphere of Jupiter notable for its multi coloured vortices, it is also extremely hot. How? It is much hotter than models have projected, it would seem, and at the moment, the frequent Jupiter aurorae are being implicated. See https://www.doi.org/10.5194/epsc2022-373

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