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Spectroscopy and Spectrometry

20 October 2022
Electromagnetism, Physics

An essay published by ATA Scientific Instruments concerns the difference between spectroscopy and spectrometry. Spectroscopy is the science of studying the interactions between molten and radiated energy. It is the study of absorption characteristics of matter, or absorption behaviour of matter when subjected to electromagnetic radiation.

Spectrometry, on the other hand, is the method used to acquire a quantitative measurement of the spectrum. It is the practical application where results are generated, helping in the quantification of, for example, absorbance, optical density, and transmittance. In other words, spectroscopy is the theoretical science and spectrometry is the practical measurement in the balancing of matter in atomic and molecular levels.

Courtesy of Geoff Sherrington in the SEPP newsletter of October 15th 2022 – see https://www.sepp.org

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