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Mars and mainstream funding

31 October 2022
Astronomy, Electric Universe

Robert sent in a series of links. He is an avid astronomy enthusiast – but sceptical of some of the mainstream assumptions. He wonders if funding is behind some of the views waved about by Mars scientists – such as the existence of a northern ocean at one point in the past. According to the electric universe aficionados the so called former ocean basis could just as easily have been machined out of the crust by an electric arc. What evidence they have for that I don’t know but it is an idea that is ignored by the mainstream. Magnetism is now a feature of space but its accomplice, electricity, is lagging behind. In other words, Robert is not entirely persuaded by the sentiments expressed in the following links.

At https://phys.org/news/2022-10-ancient-ocean-mars.html … which begins by actually saying there has been a debate on whether there really was a ‘northern ocean’, or not. The interesting thing here is that oceans on earth might shrink or expand if the axis of rotation is moved, the continental shelf drying out, or appositely, being drowned, That could not happen with the northern ocean on Mars theory as the cavity would always remain a cavity compared to the southern side of Mars, no matter how big a movement at the axis of rotation. The mainstream assumption would be that the axis of rotation on both the Earth and Mars does not move which means the above argument is unnecessary.

Why the fascination with Mars geology? It seems scientists think it might shed a light on Earth’s geology – by studying Martian geology. Not only that, scientists hope there was an ocean as that would mean there may once have been life on Mars – or it might still exist in the subterranean Martian world.

At https://phys.org/news/2022-10-magma-mars.html … the claim is that volcanoes still exist on Mars, although not as active as they were back in the day, a very long time ago. It is accepted that volcanoes and tectonic events have shaped the topology of Mars, and they think they may still be able to do that. Mars is important for the study of geological processes. Mars, we are told, has iron, nickel, and sulphur, and it is assumed it once had a magnetic field. Mars may also have once had vast resources of water, as well as a denser atmosphere. The potential for magma on Mars is intriguing.

At https://phys.org/news/2022-10-surface-interior-mars.html … surface waves enable mapping Mars. These are caused by marsquakes, as opposed to earthquakes that result from the impact of two large meteors. These were recorded by NASAs ‘InSight Lander’ that is exploring the surface of the red planet. The two biggest marsquakes were the result of two meteors – and it is possible that earlier quakes of lesser dimension, also had an origin in meteorites. . In addition, the Martian crust appears to be similar both north and south, so no evidence of an ocean bed.

At https://phys.org/news/2022-10-major-meteorite-impacts-interior-mars.html … introduces the two impacts that created the marsquakes and seismic waves recorded by InSight Lander. However, at https://phys.org/news/2022-10-nasa-insight-lander-stunning-meteoroid.html … we have a description of what actually happened – recorded by the Insight Lander vehicle. It was a magnitude 4 marsquake, not very big in the scheme of things, but it was clearly caused by a meteor strike. The so called meteoroid excavated a deep hole in the ground, in spite of the fact it was only 16 to 38m across. On earth such a meteoroid would have burnt up in the high atmosphere. On Mars the atmosphere is extremely thin and presented no obstacle of note. It managed to dig out a crater that spanned 492 feet across – and was 70 feet deep. That is a big hole -and the link has pictures. It also threw up chunks of ice and rock. This is what excited the NASA scientists as water is necessary for a manned visit to Mars.

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