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Blessings of La Nina

23 November 2022
Climate change

At https://jennifermarohasy.com/2022/08/latest-survey-of-coral-cover-fundamentally-unscientific/… and https://www.aims.gov.au/monitoring-great-barrier-reef/gbr-conditon-summary-2021-22/…not only has Austalia been getting a lot more rain as a result of successive La Nina events, three in a row, but it seems the Great Barrier Reef is now teeming with life – in spite of catastrophic climate change. The latest report from the ‘Australian Institute of Marine Science‘ [AIMS], the claim of high coral cover, was funnily enough, released on the same day Net Zero legislation passed the lower house of the Australian parliament. Earlier this year, AIMS claimed the Great Barrier Reef was in a bad way, and dying. Jennifer Marohasy says the new report, and the one back in March, are irreconciliable. It is not possible that 90 per cent of the reef was severely bleached earlier in the year and at the same time was healthy and expanding not very long afterwards. Sounds like somebody was telling porkies, we might think. Marohasy puts it down to the fact only the reef perimeter is monitored and surveyed by AIMS, in the production of those reports. It gives us no indication of coral cover at reef crests – or deeper within the reef. The methodology is archaic, she adds. We might ask why. Does the archaic measurement methodology suit the mantra – the claim the Great Barrier Reef is in decline. See also https://jennifermarohasy.com/coralreefs/pixie2021/ …

At https://phys.org/news/2022-11-eurasia-winter-third-year-la-nia.html … a third year of La Nina is upon us – but what will winter be like across Europe and Asia. The study was pblhsed in Advances n Atmospheric Sciences [November 19th 2022] – see https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-022-2331-8 … and comes from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. They used various climate models in their research, which seems to claim overall warm conditions over most of Eurasia. True, we have had a warm autumn. However, the warmth, they say, contradicts the knowledge that La Nina facilitate cold winters. Do they? We have a succession of mild winters over here in the UK – but other factors come into play, and not least the Atlantic and rainfall levels. The Chinese researchers suspect there is global warming bias factored into the models, but they are extremely polite about it. The research  does not factor in the Tonga submarine volcano that blew an enormous amount of water vapour into the upper atmosphere, the biggest greenhouse gas of them all. Do the climate models make much of water vapour?

Having said that Buffalo has been taking a bit of a pounding, and upper New York State in general. They have had a lot of snow – see https://phys.org/news/2022-11-feet-buffalo-lake-effect-storms.html … six feet of snow in Buffalo as a result of storms over the Great Lakes region. The lakes affect the snow, we are told – cold dry air from Canada mixing with warm moisture over the lakes. Water is drawn up by the lakes and falls back down as snow. Mind you, a cold draught of air is now finding its way into the Mid West and snow may occur as far south as Tennessee. We shall have to wait and see.

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