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Photosynthesis as a Renewable and Renewable Subsidies

26 March 2023
Biology, Climate change

At https://phys.org/news/2023-03-photosynthesis-hack-ways-generating-renewable.html … researchers, it is claimed, have hacked the early stages of photosynthesis, and they say they have discovered new ways to extract energy via the process. Such a discovery, they say, may lead to new ways of generating clean energy and fuel. It seems the climate lobby are still searching for new renewable energy processes in what seems like an admittance that wind and solar are not what they are hyped up to be. Photsynthesis involves the way plants, algae, and even bacteria, convert sun light into energy – in live cells and at ultra fast timescales. A millioninth of a millioninth of a second. Researchers say they have found the chemicals that can extract electrons from molecular structures that are responsible for photosynthesis – at an early stage. In other words, a rewiring of the photosynthesis process. How would this affect the natural system, Can it be contained? Specroscopy was involved.

Paul Homewood of the https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com … web site has been posting at Conservative Woman, a blog that is full of vaccine conspiracy commenters. However, what he had to say is interesting – but not necessarily the comments. He outlines  the concealed cost of wind and solar power subsidies. We learn, for example, that a lot of supplementary material relating to the UK budget a couple of weeks ago is actually published a little later. This ‘small print’ version often contains interesting details not mentioned by the Chancellor in parliament. The Office for Budget Responsibility [OBR] has now published data underlying the budget. As alway, it includes what are euphemistically called Environmental Levies. Otherwise known as renewable subsidies. All these levies are added to our electricity bills in the UK. The costs will kick in next year – election year. Neither party will mention them as they support the levies – for idealogical reasons. All in all these levies amount to £12.4 billion – equivalent to £460 for every household in the country. Not all of this appear on our domestic energy bills as households only use around a third of electricity generated. The rest is paid by businesses and the public sector – but of course the public end up paying the bill anyhow, through higher prices and taxes.

However, that is not all. All generators of electricity who use fossil fuels also pay for carbon permits, via the Emissions Trading Scheme. This is currently £84 a tonne of co2. This means a control cycle gas turbine power plant pays a carbon tax of around £3 per MWh = a quarter of the wholesale price of electricity. In other words the carbon tax adds £10 billion pounds to electricity bills as gas sets the market price. It is also necessary to back up renewable wind and solar for when the wind does not blow, blows too hard, or during the night when the sun is asleep. This figure is ignored in the government OBR figurework – even though it increases electricity bills as a direct result of government policy.

In addition, we may note the carbon tax has increased from around £15 a tonne co2 just 3 years ago, solely because of a deliberate government decision to reduce the emission cap, the total amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted by power production. This step was taken in tandem with the EU – even though we are supposed to be independent of them as a result of Brexit [which never really happened]. On the continent the carbon tax prices have shot up in the last couple of years. The stated objective is to force the use of  fossil fuels out of the system. The media, as always, have been silent on the subject, but the public are now paying £800 per household every year in order to fuel what Paul Homewood says is ‘nonsense’ – the idea of global warming.

Later, Homewood says of the recent IPCC report, the climate has warmed slightly since the end of the Little Ice Age. That should perhaps be revised to the sudden drop in temperaatures in the 1840s, which coincided with the start of the industrial revolution. Temperatures are estimated to have risen by a single degree celsius in that time – so what is terrible about another half a degree. Absolutely nothing.

It is worth noting that some kind of cycle kicks in every 100 years as we had extremely cold temperatures and an enviromental crisis in the 1640s, 1740s, 1840s and 1940s, the latter responsible for the defeat of the German army that had invaded Russia. I wonder what the 2040s have in store.

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