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A Bizarre Object

19 April 2023
Astronomy, Electromagnetism

William sent in the link to https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/bizarre-object-10-million-times-201649460.html … a so called bizarre object, we are told, some ten million times brighter than our Sun, defies physics – according to a NASA source. Some things in outer space don’t seem to conform to mainstream thinking. These are known as ‘lawbreakers’ to the consensus mantra – breaking the laws of physics.They are ultra luminous X-ray sources [ULXs] and they exude incredible amounts of energy. In fact, just the sort of thing predicted in the Electric Universe. Mainstream theory, however, is flummoxed. So it would seem.

A study published in The Astrophysical Journal made use of NASAs NuSTAR telescope array, and has confirmed that one such ULX was ‘definitely too bright’. They originally thought it might be an optical illusion, which sounds like a cop-out. The new study claims the object is a neutron star, theoretically a leftover of a dead core of a star. Dense gravity on its surface, it is suggested, is 100 trillion times stronger than gravity on Earth. Sounds like another cop-out. However, it is a better idea than an optical illusion – but relies on several assumptions. The idea is that material pulled on to the surface of the dead core had an explosive affect. Hence, the luminous brightness of the X-ray source is seen to possess explosive qualities. Which brings us back to the electro-magnetic theme – and pinched plasma.

This story comes after another one about a ‘weird’ gamma ray burst that defied expectations, and a claim by NASA that a marshmallow dropped on the surface of a neutron star would hit it with the energy of a thousand hydrogen bombs. Looks like astronomers with viewing time don’t understand what is going on and are digging a hole. A rethink of mainstream theory might be worth pursuing – especially now the James Webb space telescope is operational and sure to see more nightmares for the laws of physics. Having said that the new study actually suggests the magnetic field of the neutron star might be playing a role in the brightness. Gradually moving towards a different way of looking at space and how it works.

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