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Chunk of the Moon

11 November 2023
Astronomy, Catastrophism

At https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/10/231023185445.htm … back in 2021, two short years ago, it was suggested by University of Arizona astronomers that a recently discovered Near Earth Object, christened Kamo’oalewa, might have formerly been a chunk of the Moon. Are there other lunar fragments orbiting out there in near space? Did an impact on the Moon create this asteroid – and the numerous meteorites that have hit earth and had an origin in the Moon? Sounds a bit like Len Saunders’ idea as laid out in an article in SIS.

At https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2023/10/31/bolts-out-of-thin-air-4/ … written by Marinus Anthony van der Sluijs. It concerns the winged thunderbolt image – which he suggests may have an origin in Sprites, mega lightning in the upper atmosphere. Sprites and Elves, two innocuous sounding terms for what is highly energetic lightning – discharge circuits between the ionosphere and cloud cover. Thus, they complete the electrical circuits between the ionosphere and the surface of the earth, via ordinary lightning emanating from clouds. He goes on to say certain sprites, the so called carrot variety, has distinct similarities to bilobate representations of the sacred thunderbolt in ancient art. The iconic  symbol of lightning is quite unlike what we know as terrestrial lightning. The vajra of Vedic tradition, for example, included. It is not just he weapon of Zeus, or Teshub. It was even adopted into Buddhist mysticism.

In mythology, this object is placed in the hands of sky gods and storm gods, a weapon that was used against cosmic enemies. Could upper atmospheric lightning have been more extreme at some points in the past? A larger and more intense form of sprites and elves initiated during unstable geomagnetic conditions. Mega lightning, in an electrified atmosphere. Anthony Peratt’s construction of the evolution of a high energy density plasma z-pinch may be such a vehicle. At a late stage in the sequence Peratt’s instability column is reduced to a central oblate shape with top and bottom electrodes shaped like folded cups or arms surrounding a central feature. As sprites and Peratt’s colum are both plasma phenomena, but on different scales, it is not inconceivable that sprites are physically equivalent formations to Peratt’s column.

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