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More than an asteroid strike

30 November 2023
Astronomy, Catastrophism

William sent in the link – more than an asteroid may have caused the demise of the dinosaurs. See https://www.yahoo.com/news/extinction-dinosaurs-study-suggests-were-203306385.html … which is at last a tie up with the Deccan Traps. However, because of uniformitarian geochronology we have the claim the Deccan Traps erupted prior to the asteroid strike – and went on to outlast it. In a more correct assessment the asteroid strike would have caused the eruption of the Deccan Traps – as the reverberations of the impact rung the earth’s interior like a bell. Have a look on a globe to where Decca is in relation to Yucatan.

You can read the full article at https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg8284 … which has the title, ‘The Volcanic Winter during the Latest Cretaceous: Sulfur and flourine budgets of Deccan Traps lavas’ … where they  distinctly go for sulfur from  the eruption [s] playing a major role by creating a cosmic winter. I’d have thought the asteroid churning up the sea bed and sending huge amounts of water and soil aerosols as well as dust from the crater would by itself have been enough to create a cosmic winter scenario. It still seems like they do not want to face up to exactly how catastrophic the asteroid strike might have been. If the Internal Seaway that suddenly opened up across the middle of North America, along with numerous carcasses of animals and vegetation, including a lot of dinsaurs, was in reality a tidal wave of massive proportions, one can see that upheavals would have occurred on coastlines almost everywhere on the globe. Particularly on the other side of the Atlantic. The Hunga Tonga Ha’apai submarine volcano was a pin prick in comparison to the asteroid strike – yet it caused warm ocean water to flush around most of the earth. The so called boiling oceans. It also sent huge amounts of water vapour into the stratosphere, washing it out in something unseen by modern science, at any point in the last 100 years or so. Ordinary earthquakes are known to echo around the globe – sending seismic waves from one side to the next. Just think how that asteroid strike may have caused seismic waves to pummel the opposite side of the world – and magma leaking at the Traps may be evidence of that. I think these people are underestimating the catastrophic nature of the impact.

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