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Galactic Centre Ejections

10 February 2024
Astronomy, Electromagnetism

At https://www.livescience.com/space/black-holes/event-horizon-telescope-spies-gargantuan-energy-jets-erupting-from-nearby-supermassive-black-hole … The Event Horizon Telescope has witnessed a ‘gargantuan‘ burst of energy erupting from a supermassive black hole. What is really meant is that the eruption came from the centre of the galaxy, Perseus A, as it is only theoretical that a black hole exists in the centre of any galaxy. The idea of black holes was dreamed up prior to the discovery that electro-magnetism and plasma play a major role in the universe. However, the mainstream mantra has not budged. Some cosmologists even seem to ignore the role of electro-magnetism, and electrical activity in the cosmos, as that is not what they were taught. Hence, the researchers have no choice but to interpret it as an eruption from a black hole. You need to bear this in mind when you go to the link. Indeed, it probably would not have been published if it said otherwise. Peer Review  can impose bias in a paper just as much as eradicating bias by the researchers.

Getting to the nitty gritty we may note it is generally considered that all galaxies, of a reasonable size, host a black hole at their centre – even the Milky Way. Hence, the researchers had no choice but to include that in their paper as black holes are the consensus theory. The peer reviewers would also have insisted on such an interpretation as an acceptable theory on how the electro magnetic plasma filled universe works is not currently accepted by mainstream, let alone any idea of questioning the existence of black holes. Cosmologists are basically working on an out of date paradigm but trying to impose electro magnetic data they are witnessing via telescopes and probes on to that paradigm. At some point the connection will snap – just like that. At the moment the old guard are holding out. It is reminiscent of the Clovis First paradigm in the peopling of the Americas. It took years for the dam to burst. However, the researchers themselves make note of the fact that magnetic fields surround the presumed black hole. In other words, magnetic fields exist at the heart of galaxies. In addition, they also note that the magnetic fields launch the erupting jets. On top of that these are described as jets of plasma = electrified gas. Plasma is what erupts from the sun during a coronal mass ejection. In reality, how different are the galactic size eruptions to the solar eruptions that are currently been explored by the Parker Solar Probe and an ongoing ESA mission?

Rather than going to the opposite extreme and embracing the Electric Universe theory it is nevertheless worth reading up on some of the ideas within that movement, primarily an American post Velikovsky offshoot. Hence, it comes with a lot of baggage which requires sifting out. One way to do this is to read Donald Scott’s book, ‘The Interconnected Cosmos‘ which is available to purchase from SIS, at this web site. The price is £24 plus postage [which differs depending on which part of the world you live]. Generally, this does not venture into solar system rearrangements, an idea that has put more people off than it has persuaded. There are of course a lot of born again Electric Universe supporters at sites such as https://www.thunderbolts.info .. but I’m not inviting anyone to dip their toes into that – even though Scott is embedded into the Thunderbolts scenario. Presumably it is an avenue in which he can publish his ideas, and spread them to other people. I’m not even suggesting Scott is necessarily correct in his cosmic scenario. I am suggesting reading his book as an alternative way of looking at black holes. Do they exist? Why did they become the mainstream consensus? Were 19th century solar scientists, mainly amateur, on the right track – but were they moving too fast for the mainstream of the time to absorb. There is nothing new in the world, they say, and electro magnetism is one of them. Stuart Clark’s book, ‘The Sun Kings: the unexpected tragedy of Richard Carrington and the Tale of how modern astro0nomy began‘ , Princeton University Press:2007, describes how close people such as Maunder and his continental contemporaries came to an electro magnetic universe. Early to mid 20th century cosmologists moved in a different direction – and we ended up with black holes. In the 19th century space was thought, by some, to contain ether. This could be explained in the modern world as plasma. And so on. It is a complex subject and no doubt variations on Scott’s hypothesis will appear as more data is beamed back from space. We live in exciting times when it comes to the world beyond planet earth.

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