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Cosmic Glitch in Gravity

4 May 2024
Astronomy, cosmology, Electric Universe, Electromagnetism

At https://phys.org/news/2024-05-cosmic-glitch-gravity-strange-behavior.html … Canadian researchers claim to have found a ‘cosmic glitch’ in gravity. This may explain the strange behaviour of the universe. Gravity becomes weaker when dealing with distances in billions of light years. Einstein’s ‘General Relativity‘ may also have a glitch, it would seem. See also https://scitechdaily.com/einstein-challenged-exploring-the-cosmic-glitch-in-gravity/

At https://www.livescience.com/space/astronomy/scientists-find-one-of-the-oldest-stars-in-the-universe-in-a-galaxy-right-next-to-ours …. here we are talking about the Large Magellanic Cloud. The star has the fingerprint of the early universe, we are told. Astronomers have been seeking out second generation stars as they are said to have a unique chemical signature. First generation stars are not thought to exist so they look for second generation. The outer layers of such stellar offerings preserve the chemical composition of the natal gas cloud. In turn, this reveals the composition of the first generation – that are no longer with us. The composition offers a window into the early production of elements when the stars formed billions of years ago. Apparently, by measuring the amounts of such elements in a star scientists can estimate the age of said star. It  does rely on the reality of supernovae, which might be a spanner in their calculations, as the first generation are thought to have exploded in supernovas in order to spread their elements to the second generation.

At https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2024/04/14/looking-back-to-the-future/ … which concerns late 19th century electro-magnetic research. The James Webb Space Telescope has ramped up cognitive dissonance amongst cosmologists, is the claim. The spiralling filamentary structure of the universe is what we expected from an electrical and plasma perspective – but not mainstream. There model is all about gravity – the one tool in their box. The author blames elegant mathematic modelling for the problem. Plasma does not conform it would seem. He even has a go at Phil Plait, the Bad Asronomer, one of their bogeymen. Mostly because Plait has been casting aspersions against the EU model for a number of years. Basically, the author’s line is that plasma and electro-maganetism in space has been downplayed, or ignored, for over a century. Apart from Alfven, of course, who is quoted favourably. Gravity only models have dominated cosmology for a hundred years. Which is true if you do a bit of research. Maunder, for example, has been ignored for most of that time – until his work was resurrected by Eddy. Even Einstein, he says, was censored by the mathematicians that had adopted his theory of relativity. However, good news is also a feature of the piece. The author says the idea of electricity in space is breaking through with regularity – but at the moment research into dark matter and dark energy still outnumbers such papers many times over. The Coulomb Universe is just another way of saying Electric Universe -or a universe with electricity.

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