Published since Dec 2009. there are over 7,000 news articles on this site.
In the News
Chronological Matters
4 February 2010 > Ancient historyBiblical Peoples and Ethnicity: An Archaeological Study of Egyptians, Canaanites, Philistines and Early History, Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature: 2009 ... an in-depth study of
4 February 2010 > AnthropologyThe Guardian January 22nd ... Israel is to fund a genetic study to determine if there is a link between the lost tribes of Israel
Astronomy and Space
4 February 2010 > AstronomyUniversity of Buffalo News June 11th 2002 ... this is interesting though an old post. Research has squeezed evidence out of ice cores to show
Douglas Keenan
4 February 2010 > Climate ... the on-running web site of Dougls Keenan has some interesting articles including one on C14 dating and tree rings. Douglas Keenan has also
Silbury Hill, and other archaeological news
4 February 2010 > ArchaeologyGazette and Herald, February 2nd ... letters that were archived over 200 years ago seem to suggest Silbury Hill may originally have been constructed around
Younger Dryas Event Update (January 2009)
31 January 2010 > CatastrophismGeorge Howard, on his web site/ blog is reporting on the Fall Meeting of the AGU which included a session on the Younger Dryas
Hebrew Script
22 January 2010 > DatingScience Daily January 8th 2010 ... a researcher has decyphered a Hebrew inscription on a pottery sherd from the Elah Valley and dating to the
22 January 2010 > ArchaeologyThe BBC History magazine volume 10:12 December 2009 ... has an article on the Vikings and what may have drove them to attack the monasteries
Post YD History
22 January 2010 > GeologyAssociated Press 29th November 2009 ... the geography department of Northern Michigan University has spent three years on the shoreline of Lake Superior and have
The Sun and the Planets
22 January 2010 > Astronomy ... tall bloke's web blog is all about a thesis that the solar system is an integrated system in that as well as the
The Tree that Refuses to Die
22 January 2010 > BiologyDiscovery News, 23rd December 2009 ... a tree in southern California, stranded in a suburban environment, has the appearance of a gnarled thicket of stunted
Flood mystery solved
9 December 2009 > Ancient history, CatastrophismResearchers believe they have found evidence of the formation of the Mediterranean Sea, five million years ago. Their findings suggest a 200km channel from the
Has the tilt of Uranus been solved?
8 December 2009 > AstronomyAstrophysicist Ian O'Neill writes for Discovery News: "Uranus is tilted 97 degrees to the vertical .. but how did Uranus come to be this way?
Charge Separation in Space
8 December 2009 > AstronomyIn his blog, astronomer W.T."Tom" Bridgman takes the Electric Universe (EU) to task over their understanding of "Charge Separation in Space". Bridgman clarifies that: "When
On the Perils and Pleasures of Confronting Pseudohistory
8 December 2009 > Inside science, VelikovskyIn the journal Historically Speaking, Ronald H. Fritze writes: "The controversy surrounding the ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky is a case study of how not to