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Something Odd in the Pacific

3 May 2024 > Geology
William sent in the link https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/strange-structures-discovered-in-the-pacific-could-change-our-understanding-of-earth/ ... here we have some unexplained geology in South Africa, on the one hand, and New Zealand, on the

The Moon and a Bear bone

1 May 2024 > Archaeology
At https://www.iflscience.com/engraved-bone-of-prehistoric-bear-is-the-oldest-example-of-neanderthal-culture-73884/ ... in this we are back to the last Interglacial Period with a date between 115,000 and 130,000 years ago. It involves a

Blessed Ball Courts

28 April 2024 > Archaeology
At https://phys.org/news/2024-04-art-discoveries-eastern-sudan-tale.html ... in the desert of eastern Sudan, in what is called the Atbai Desert, there are plentiful rock art sites - along what

Earthquakes or Not

28 April 2024 > Archaeology, Geology
Robert sent in some interesting links. At https://www.livescience.com/archaeology/5-catastrophic-megathrust-earthquakes-led-to-the-demise-of-the-pre-aztec-city-of-teotihuacan-new-study-suggests .... the gist of the paper is that evidence of earthquakes found at Teotihuacan caused the demise

Gmma Rays and Supernovae

22 April 2024 > Astronomy, cosmology
At https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240416125319.htm ... a nearby supernova in 2023 failed to produce gamma rays. NASAs Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope did not detect any  gamma rays -

Stellar Flares

22 April 2024 > Astronomy, cosmology
At https://phys.org/news/2024-04-hydrogen-recombination-plausible-explanation-high.html ... here we have a plausible explanation put forward to explain the intensity of stellar flares. Cosmologists making sense of solar flares as

Lizard Fish

20 April 2024 > Biology, Palaeontology
At https://www.livescience.com/animals/extinct-species/giant-82-foot-lizard-fish-discovered-on-uk-beach-could-be-largest-marine-reptile-ever-found ... it was in fact a very large ichthyosaur that lived in the seas of late Triassic - going back 200 million years

Giant Kangaroos

20 April 2024 > Biology, Palaeontology
At https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/04/240415110602.htm ... palaeontologists have excavated 3 new species of extinct kangaroos that lived between 5 million years and 40,000 years ago. Note the end

Reviewing the Base Model of the Universe

18 April 2024 > Astronomy, cosmology
You can  read about this at https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2024/04/15/worlds-top-cosmologists-convene-to-question-conventional-view-of-the-universe/  .... which comes courtesy of the Guardian newspaper. It concerns an upcoming meeting of the Royal Society which

Electric Signals Bees and Flowers

18 April 2024 > Biology, Electric Universe, Electromagnetism
At https://www.sciencenews.org/article/flower-antennas-bees-electrical-signals/ ...  flowers may act as antennae for bees electrical signals. Plants might use the signals to communicate when to trigger nectar production. The

Investigating the LB/Iron transition

18 April 2024 > Archaeology, Catastrophism
Specifically, their focus is on western Anatolia and the eastern Aegean region. You can view a podcast interview at https://open.spotify.com/3i5EhhvUkQTiuPGwWrTtyS .... but see also https://www.migmag-erc.eu/

Pottery and Australians

17 April 2024 > Anthropology, Archaeology, Geology
At https://phys.org/news/2024-04-discovery-pottery-rewrites-aboriginal-history.html ... the discovery of pottery on Jiigurru/Lizard Island off the Queensland coast challenges the idea Aborigines were unaware of pottery manufacture prior to

White Sands

17 April 2024 > Anthropology, Archaeology, Geology
At https://www.science.org/content/article/modern-blackfoot-people-descend-ancient-ice-age-lineage/ ... The Blackfeet people are descended from Ice Age people. They live in a broat swathe of North America - and seem to

Lake Baikal Geological Anomaly

7 April 2024 > Geology
At https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/geology/underwater-robot-in-siberias-lake-baikal-reveals-hidden-mud-volcanoes-and-an-active-fault .... a video camera onboard an underwater robot found cracks associated with mud volcanism close to an active fault zone under the surface


7 April 2024 > Archaeology, Catastrophism
Ther Tall el-Hammam excavation came to an end in the 2023 season. However, a lot of  work is still going on back in the US,

On the Carrington Event

7 April 2024 > Astronomy, Electromagnetism
William sent in a couple of links to the re-assessment of the 1859 Carrington Event. See for example https://www.earth.com/news/carrington-event-biggest-solar-storm-history-radiocarbon-earth-tree-rings .... scientists have  found a new

Two Billion craters on Mars

29 March 2024 > Astronomy, Catastrophism, Geology
At https://www.livescience.com/space/mars/single-enormous-object-left-2-billion-craters-on-mars-scientists-discover/ ... an object slammed into Mars 2.3 million years ago and created two billion small craters around the main impact site. The main

Climate Science in Denial

29 March 2024 > Climate change, Geology
Javier, writing on Judith Curry's blog, which has a  lot of climate scientist interest as she is one of them, is saying alarmist models are

Boats and Pinch Points

25 March 2024 > Archaeology
At https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2024/03/240320160445.htm ... boats were used by Neolithic people to colonise the Mediterranean. By necessity, boats must have been used to explore the southern shores

Spinning Backwards

25 March 2024 > Astronomy, cosmology
At https://spaceweather.com ... archive, March 20th 2024 - the polar vortex is spinning  backwards - in the stratosphere above the Arctic. The vortex changed direction 
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