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One Big Head

17 March 2010 > Anthropology
www.physorg.com/print187877156.html ... a replica of a Cro Magnon skull has provided evidence that the human brain has been shrinking. The skull comes from a skeleton

The Druid's Arms

17 March 2010 > Archaeology
www.thisisbristol.co.uk/news/Finding-stones-near-Bristol-place-history/article ... Stanton Drew stone circle may be much older than previously thought due to the discovery of new evidence by amateur archaeologists from a

Horticulture and Agriculture

16 March 2010 > Archaeology
There is another consensus model under attack. This time the oft repeated claim that plant cultivation made a sudden appearance in the Near East around

Bad Archaeology and Velikovsky

16 March 2010 > Velikovsky
www.badarchaeology.net/confused/velikovsky.php is apparently the brainchild of a couple of youngish archaeologists not long out of classes and fresh with all the group-think stuff they have

Black Hole Fireworks

16 March 2010 > Astronomy
Daily Galaxy March 15th (www.dailygalaxy.com ) ... 'The Milky Way Monster Black Hole Awakes' is the headline to the story. It apparently fired a monster

Mammoth Mountain

16 March 2010 > Geology
www.sfgate.com March 8th ... 'Study sheds new light on Mammoth Mountain's age' is not about mammoths but a mountain that has a secondary role as

Tasmanian Aborigines

13 March 2010 > Archaeology
Various  web sites are mentioning the discovery of a meeting ground for Aborigines in Tasmania which is reputed to be 40,000 years of age, such

Dark Flow

13 March 2010 > Electromagnetism
Science Daily March 12th (www.sciencedaily.com id100310162829) ... 'Mysterious Cosmic Dark Flow Tracked Deeper into Universe' - distant galaxy clusters mysteriously stream at a million miles

'Current Archaeology' - April 2010

12 March 2010 > Archaeology
Paul and Barbara Brown have discovered, recorded and published hundreds of marked rock faces in northern Britain. The latest example comes from Swaledale in the

The edge of the Trowel

12 March 2010 > Archaeology
The April issue of Current Archaeology had a feature, 'From the Trowels Edge' where news editor Chris Catling mentions attending a meeting of The Society

Stonehenge Queries

12 March 2010 > Archaeology
In Current Archaeology 241 April 2010, the 'News' section has a short piece on Stonehenge and the most recent discoveries, shallow banks and depressions within

anti-matter lightning

10 March 2010 > Astronomy
Daily Galaxy March 8th ... anti-matter lightning has been discovered annihilating bits of earth's atmosphere, it is alleged. The Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope was

The Dark Angel

10 March 2010 > Astronomy
Daily Galaxy 'Image of the Day' - the Dark Angel (see www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2010/03/image-of-the-day-the-dark-angel.htm )

Chile Earthquake

10 March 2010 > Geology
www.physorg.com id187271371 March 8th ... the earthquake that struck the west coast of Chile in February moved the entire city of Concepcion by at least

Fresh water

10 March 2010 > Geology
http://tamino.wordpress.com  January 3rd 2009 ... a blog with the title Open Mind that reported a year ago on the Firestone et al (2008) claim that

Mound Culture in North America

10 March 2010 > Archaeology
At http://www.examiner.com March 7th ... there is a lengthy article about mounds in the US - mainly in the Mississipi, Ohio and Tenessee river valleys,

Hobbit Fued

10 March 2010 > Anthropology
www.google.com/hostednews/ March 6th ... this is another version of a story posted last week but has some interesting detail not in the initial news report.


10 March 2010 > Archaeology
www.deccanherald.com March 7th ... a large settlement of the Harappa culture has been excavated in the Hindu Kutch. It had been heavily fortified with walls

Czechs in Iraq

10 March 2010 > Archaeology
http://praguemonitor.com March 8th ... Czech archaeologists have found remnants of a 150,000 years old prehistoric settlement at Arbil in northern Iraq - what is now


10 March 2010 > Archaeology
http://newmedia-eng.haifa.ac.il??p=2654 professor Gershon Galil of the Dept of Biblical Studies at the University of Haifa has identified Khirbet Qeiyafa as 'Neta'im' which is mentioned in Chronicles.
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